Unit 6-Reading Explorer 3 Foundation
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由第六单元基础词汇和对应的词根词缀派生的TOEFL Junior 词汇
challenge;Something that is difficult or requires effort.
classmate - mate 伙伴; A student with whom you go to school.
invitation - tion 行为、状态; An offer to come to a place or do something.
member ;A person who belongs to a group or organization.
news ; Information about recent events.
presentation - tion 行为、状态 ;The act of showing or presenting something.
save ; To keep or rescue from harm or danger.
speech ; A talk or discourse given to an audience.
along ; In a line or position beside or near something.
difference - ence 状态、性质 ; The state or quality of being unlike or distinct.
electrical - 与 “elect” 相关(选择、电); Related to electricity or the flow of electric current.
famous - ous 具有…… 性质的 ;Known about by many people.
forest ; A large area covered with trees and other plants.
leaf ; The flat part of a plant that grows from a stem.
lock ; A device used for fastening or securing a door or container.
within ; inside the limits or boundaries of something.
lecture - lect 选择、收集 ;A formal talk given by a teacher or an expert.
select - lect 选择 ;To choose or pick out from a group.
recollect - lect 选择、收集,re 再次 ;To remember or recall something that has happened in the past.
mention - ment 行为、结果 ;To talk about or refer to something briefly.
information - form 形状、形式,in 进入,-ation 行为、状态; Knowledge or facts provided or received.
communication - munic 交流, -ation 行为、状态 ;The act of sharing information or ideas with others.
Sam: Hi Alex, did you hear the news about our school’s eco project?
Alex: Yes, Sam! I got an invitation to join our eco club as a member.
Sam: That’s great! I challenge you to give a short presentation in class.
Alex: I will. My classmate Lucy helped me prepare a clear speech.
Sam: Remember, during our lecture the teacher mentioned that planting trees can save our planet.
Alex: Exactly! Even one small leaf from a tree can make a big difference.
Sam: Our teacher also explained how electrical devices work and showed a famous video about a green forest.
Alex: Wow! I recollect that moment well. It made me select one tree to plant within our schoolyard.
Sam: Let’s lock in our ideas and use good communication and correct information when we talk along with our friends.
Alex: I agree. I’d also like to mention that every step we take, from a simple challenge to a proper presentation, helps save nature.
- Sam said, "I ______ you to give a short presentation in class," showing his ______ to start the project.
- Alex replied that his ______ Lucy helped him, and he received an ______ to join the club.
- When Alex heard the ______ about the project, he prepared a ______ for his class.
- He promised to ______ the environment with his ______ and went ______ with his plan.
- Their teacher explained that even a small act can make a ______, much like an ______ spark can start a fire.
- The teacher showed a ______ video of a deep ______, where every bright ______ fell gently to the ground.
- Alex said, "Let’s ______ our ideas together so that everyone within our class understands," using ______ to keep our plan safe.
- During the ______, the teacher advised us to ______ the best tree to plant.
- I ______ the moment when the teacher first ______ the importance of trees.
- Finally, he shared useful ______ and stressed that clear ______ is the key to teamwork.
- challenge; member
- classmate; invitation
- news; presentation
- save; speech; along
- difference; electrical
- famous; forest; leaf
- lock; within
- lecture; select
- recollect; mention
- information; communication